Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blogging Beginner

I'm new to blogging, which won't really be to hard to believe as I'm sure it has already begun to show.

So what is my reason for starting? Well over the past few months I have really gotten into reading blogs by other women. They have inspired me to write about my daily walk with the Lord and how I am striving to be a child of light.

My title for my blog comes from Ephesians 5:8 which says "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light."

I want to shine God's light through me by glorify Him through the blessing that He gives me daily and also through the hard times and struggles that He has guided me through.

I hope you enjoy my blog and will learn and grow with me as I find my voice and the plans that God has for me.


  1. What a beautiful thing you're doing to give back to God through the gift of writing. I'm so glad I came by to visit.

    And...I do the same thing to get water out of my ear too! LOL.

  2. Thank you Jeri@GodsDreamsForMe for the comment. It's very encouraging.
